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Community Partners

Through working closely with our community partners in developing and implementing effective mental health promotion programs, we aim to bring together the expertise of researchers with the knowledge and resources of community organizations. In partnership, we hope to create a significant impact on the mental health and well-being of different members in the society.

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Association for Contextual Behavioral Science - Hong Kong Chapter

ACBS-HK Chapter aims to serve as a scientific and professional reference group for those in Hong Kong who identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in disciplines that embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science, or for the interested public.


New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

NLPRA is a local non-governmental organization that strives to promote mental wellness for people in recovery, their families, and the general public. It aims to promote equal opportunities, social inclusion, acceptance, and full participation for all in the community.


Hong Kong Correctional Services Department

HKCSD is the local governmental body that runs a comprehensive range of rehabilitation programmes targeting different types of persons in custody, such as young offenders, drug dependants, first-time offenders, and recidivists.


Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong

The Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong is a non-profit making registered charity that aims to deliver comprehensive community-based mental health services, empower users' participation in policy formulation and service provisions, and to provide training and professional advice on mental health services.


Mind Hong Kong

Mind HK is a local mental health charity that organizes a wide range of initiatives, aiming to improve mental health awareness and conditions, remove the associated stigma, and provide assessible talk therapy.

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